

The low flour extraction rate is influenced by various factors

When low flour extraction occurs during flour processing, it is usually caused by a combination of factors.
Low flour extraction rate may be affected by the following aspects:
Raw material quality: The raw material quality of flour has a direct impact on the flour extraction rate. Impurities, moisture content, variety, and other factors in raw materials will affect the processing effect of flour. To solve the problem of raw material quality, processing plants can choose high-quality wheat as raw materials, and then go through strict raw material screening and quality inspection procedures to ensure that the quality of the raw materials meets the processing requirements.
Equipment status: The operating status and maintenance of the equipment are also important factors affecting the flour extraction rate. Problems such as severe equipment wear, improper adjustment, or malfunction will affect the output and quality of flour. Methods to solve equipment problems include regular equipment maintenance, timely replacement of worn parts, and reasonable adjustment of equipment parameters.
Processing technology: The rationality of the processing technology flow also has an important impact on the flour extraction rate. For example, the detailed operation of the flour grinding process, the rationality of the screening process, and the perfection of the cleaning process will directly affect the flour extraction rate. Methods to solve these problems include strengthening technical training for employees, optimizing process flows, and ensuring operating specifications.
To sum up, the low flour extraction rate is usually affected by many factors such as raw material quality, equipment status, and processing technology. The key to solving the problem of low powder extraction rate is to comprehensively investigate possible problems and take effective measures to improve them. Only by improving the process from raw material procurement to equipment maintenance to process flow can processing plants improve flour extraction rates, ensure product quality, and enhance market competitiveness.

Post time: Dec-29-2023